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Why you should disable IPv6 on Windows

This post is mainly in response to (what is in my opinion) a piece of misinformation which I stumbled across today in this blog:

If you are running any Windows computer on an un-trusted network, then it is probably wide open to CVE-2010-4669. This means that a few thousand dodgy ICMPv6 packets could fill up its memory until it keels over and needs to be rebooted.

I’m not an advocate of Windows on servers, but it exists and can be made to crash less. If you don’t need IPv6, because you are behind an IPv4 NAT for example, you can just switch it off and bypass Microsoft’s poorly designed implementation altogether. To that end, here is a nice article that will get you depolying .reg files for that in a few minutes.

This is easy and I would recommend it. Contrary to the article above, your computer will work fine on an IPv4 network without IPv6. If disabling IPv6 breaks some application, then it probably wouldn’t have worked properly on your network anyway. What’s important is that the computer works!

A solid windows firewall configuration will also solve this, but involves leaving the vulnerable stack running. This is a decent security compromise, as it assumes that you will actually cover every possible attack scenario in your firewall rules.

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