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How to use HiDPI displays on Debian 9

I recently added a 4K monitor to my Debian box, and had to set a few things to make it display things at a good size. These high-density moniotors that are becoming common on laptops and desktops are known as “HiDPI” displays.

Currently I get the best results with:

Note that “window scaling” is not “upscaling” (stretching an image). In this version of Gnome, it means “single/double/triple DPI”. The implementations are in the process of changing: Soon you should be able to set any scaling factor.

This post assumes a Gnome version around 3.26, which is what you would get as a default if you installed Debian 9 today.

Apply to one user

Under Settings → Devices → Displays, set the Scale to 200%.

Under Tweaks → Fonts, set the Scaling Factor to 0.90.

Next, add these variables to ~/bashrc to apply similar scaling to QT apps.


Log out and back in to ensure that the settings have applied everywhere.

Apply to any user

If you have a shared system (eg. domain accounts), or want to style the login box as well, then you can set the same settings as below.

These steps are based on answers to the Ask Ubuntu question: Adjust text scaling factor for all users.

nano /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.interface.gschema.xml

Set the text-scaling-factor to 0.9, and the scaling-factor to 2.

<key name="text-scaling-factor" type="d">
  <range min="0.5" max="3.0"/>
  <summary>Text scaling factor</summary>
    Factor used to enlarge or reduce text display, without changing font si$
<key name="scaling-factor" type="u">
  <summary>Window scaling factor</summary>
    Integer factor used to scale windows by. For use on high-dpi screens.
    0 means pick automatically based on monitor.

Re-compile the schemas:

glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

Next drop some similar environent variables for QT apps in /etc/profile.d/ to apply it to all users:


After this, reboot. If the setting has applied, then the gdm3 login box will be scaled as well.

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