Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* See */ public static $negative = "negative"; /* You may prefer "minus" */ public static $and = "and"; public static $comma = ","; public static $numeral = array( /* zero to nine */ 0 => "zero", 1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three", 4 => "four", 5 => "five", 6 => "six", 7 => "seven", 8 => "eight", 9 => "nine"); public static $dec = array( /* Numbers ten to nineteen */ 0 => "ten", 1 => "eleven", 2 => "twelve", 3 => "thirteen", 4 => "fourteen", 5 => "fifteen", 6 => "sixteen", 7 => "seventeen", 8 => "eighteen", 9 => "nineteen"); public static $tens = array( /* Going by tens .. */ 2 => "twenty", 3 => "thirty", 4 => "fourty", 5 => "fifty", 6 => "sixty", 7 => "seventy", 8 => "eighty", 9 => "ninety"); /* See */ public static $triplets = array( /* Higher orders of magnitude */ 0 => "hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion", "tredecillion", "quattuordecillion", "quindecillion", "sexdecillion", "septendecillion", "octodecillion", "novemdecillion", "vigintillion", "unvigintillion", "duovigintillion", "tresvigintillion", "quattuorvigintillion", "quinquavigintillion", "sesvigintillion", "septemvigintillion", "octovigintillion", "novemvigintillion", "trigintillion", "untrigintillion", "duotrigintillion", "trestrigintillion", "quattuortrigintillion", "quinquatrigintillion", "sestrigintillion", "septentrigintillion", "octotrigintillion", "novemtrigintillion", "quadragintillion"); /* See */ public static $suffices_ordinal = array( /* We switch to ordinal mode if we find one of these */ "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "th"); public static $ordinal_subst = array( /* Substitutions for ordinal numbers. We add the -th from _simple and $triplets at runtime */ "one" => "first", "two" => "second", "three" => "third", "five" => "fifth", "eight" => "eighth", "nine" => "ninth", "twelve" => "twelft", "twenty" => "twentieth", "thirty" => "thirtieth", "forty" => "fortieth", "fifty" => "fiftieth", "sixty" => "sixtieth", "seventy" => "seventieth", "eighty" => "eightieth", "ninety" => "ninetieth"); public static $ordinal_subst_expanded = false; public static $ordinal_subst_simple = array( /* These just get -th on the end */ "zero", "four", "six", "seven", "ten", "eleven", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"); function toWords($num, $ordinal = false) { /* Converts a number (as string) to words correctly. 150.3 => one hundred and fifty point three */ $original = $num; $num = trim($num); $ret = ""; /* Check for negative prefix */ if (substr($num, 0, 1) == '-') { $ret .= Numbers_Words::$negative." "; $num = substr($num, 1); } /* Check for ordinality */ if(!$ordinal) { $ordinal = Numbers_Words::isOrdinal($num); } $num_part = explode("/", $num); if(count($num_part) == 2) { /* Checking for fractions */ $num_part_first = explode(" ", $num_part[0]); if(count($num_part) == 2) { /* 1 5/8 Mixed fractions */ return false; } else { /* 67/35 Proper or improper fraction */ return false; } } else { $num_part = explode(":", $num); if(count($num_part) == 3) { /* Checking for times (or ratios) */ /* 2:45:28 = two forty five and twenty eight seconds */ return false; } elseif(count($num_part) == 2) { /* 2:45 = two forty five */ /* 18:35 = six thirty five */ return false; } else { $num_part = explode(".", $num); if(count($num_part) == 2) { /* We run this if we find decimals */ $ret .= Numbers_Words::doInteger($num_part[0]); $ret .= " point "; $ret .= Numbers_Words::doDigits($num_part[1]); } else { /* No decimals, fix integer up */ $ret .= Numbers_Words::doInteger($num); } } } /* Final filters */ $ret = trim($ret); if($ordinal) { $ret = Numbers_Words::ordinalise($ret); } return $ret; } function isOrdinal($num) { /* Check if a number ends with an ordinal suffic, eg 1st, 5th */ foreach(Numbers_Words::$suffices_ordinal as $s) { if(substr($num, -strlen($s), strlen($s)) == $s) { /* A suffix has been matched */ return true; } } /* No suffix, not an ordinal number */ return false; } function number_clean($num) { /* Strip a number to only numeric parts 778 88GDAY5 = 778885*/ $ret = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($num); $i++) { $c = substr($num, $i, 1); if(is_numeric($c)) { $ret .= $c; } } return $ret; } function ordinalise($str) { /* Replace last word in a number to make it ordinal: ('one' becomes 'first', 'ten' becomes 'tenth', etc). */ if(!Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst_expanded) { /* Adds some things to the list */ foreach(Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst_simple as $entry) { Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst[$entry] = $entry."th"; } foreach(Numbers_Words::$triplets as $entry) { Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst[$entry] = $entry."th"; } Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst_expanded = true; } /* Match against list of substitutions */ foreach(Numbers_Words::$ordinal_subst as $m => $replace) { if(substr($str, -strlen($m), strlen($m)) == $m) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-strlen($m)); $str .= $replace; return $str; } } /* If we reach here, then the number cannot be 'ordinalised', probably something missing from the replacement table */ return $str; } function doInteger($num) { /* Returns a whole number (any length) as words */ $num = Numbers_Words::number_clean($num); /* Clean odd characters */ $ret = ""; /* Pad the number with zeroes at the start, to split into triplets */ $offs = 3 - (strlen($num) % 3); if($offs != 3) { $num = Numbers_Words::zeroes($offs).$num; } /* Read each triplet */ for($i = 0; $i < strlen($num); $i += 3) { /* $triplet_id = 0 for the final triplet, 1 for the second-last, etc */ $triplet_id = (int)(((strlen($num) - $i) / 3) - 1); /* Pull out 3 digits */ $subnum = substr($num, $i, 3); /* Store for processing */ $triplet[$triplet_id] = $subnum; } /* Keeping track of converted parts */ $parts = array(); $last = false; /* Loop through each triplet and convert to words */ foreach($triplet as $id => $part) { $sret = ""; if($part != "000") { /* Only for non-zero triplets */ $final = ($id == 0); /* Tell doTriplet if this is the final one */ $sret .= Numbers_Words::doTriplet($part, $last, $final); if($id != 0) { /* Add 'thousands, millions' or whatever */ $sret .= Numbers_Words::$triplets[$id]; $last = $id; } /* Store back in array */ $parts[] = $sret; } } if(count($parts) == 0) { /* If all triplets equal 0 */ $ret = "zero"; } else { /* Join parts by commas. Five thousand, three hundred and five */ $ret .= join(Numbers_Words::$comma." ", $parts); /* Take away a comma if it is before an "and", Corrects eg: Seven thousand, and five (from 007, 005) */ $ret = str_replace(", and ", " and ", $ret); } return $ret; } function doDigits($num) { /* Output digits, 5067 = five zero six seven. Used for numbers after the decimal place. */ $num = Numbers_Words::number_clean($num); $ret = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($num); $i++) { $digit = substr($num, $i, 1); $ret .= Numbers_Words::$numeral[$digit]." "; } return trim($ret); } function doTriplet($num, $last, $final) { /* Converts 3 digits of a number to words. Needs to know what order the last non-zero triplet was, and whether this is the final triplet, in order to add "and" correctly */ $ret = ""; $c = substr($num, 0, 1); /* Think Roman numerals, C X I */ $x = substr($num, 1, 1); $i = substr($num, 2, 1); /* Do hundreds */ if($c != "0") { $ret .= Numbers_Words::$numeral[$c]." ".Numbers_Words::$triplets[0]." "; } /* Do tens */ switch($x) { case "0": if($i != 0) { /* Second digit is 0: 'one hundred and seven' */ if($c != "0" || ($last && $final)) { $ret .= Numbers_Words::$and." "; } $ret .= Numbers_Words::$numeral[$i]." "; } else { /* Second and third are nil: 'one hundred' */ } break; case "1": /* Number is in tens: twelve, sixteen */ if($c != "0" || ($last && $final)) { $ret .= Numbers_Words::$and." "; } $ret .= Numbers_Words::$dec[$i]." "; break; default: /* Number is above nineteen: eighty-two */ if($c != "0" || ($last && $final)) { $ret .= Numbers_Words::$and." "; } $ret .= Numbers_Words::$tens[$x]; if($i != "0") { /* Add that hyphenated final digit if needed*/ $ret .= "-".Numbers_Words::$numeral[$i]; } $ret .= " "; } return Numbers_Words::unspace($ret); } function zeroes($count) { /* Output the number of zeroes we need. Used to make 5 into 005 for doTriplet() */ $res = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $res .= "0"; } return $res; } function unspace($str) { /* remove double spaces (cleans up removal of "and") */ return str_replace(" ", " ", $str); } } ?>