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How to create an animated GIF from a series of images

Sometimes, you end up with a folder full of images, which you want to animate. With the open source ImageMagick tool, this is easy on the command line:

animate *.png

This will show you all of the PNG files in the folder in quick succession, like a flip book.

ImageMagick works on just about any OS. For Linux users, the package is generally imagemagick or ImageMagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
yum install ImageMagick

But this blog post is about animated GIFs, so lets make one of those. This is a compact way to combine images (here and here for examples in context), gives you a re-usable at-a-glance illustration of something that changes over time.

Example from an older post:

The steps to make a good conversion command are:

  1. Check that alphabetically, your images are in order. If not, rename them:
    echo *
  2. Convert them to a GIF a few times, and find the delay that suits you (hundredths of a second between frames)
    convert -delay 80 *.png animated.gif
  3. Choose an output size (width x height):
    convert -resize 415x -delay 80 *.png animated.gif
  4. Compress with -Layers Optimize for a smaller file:
    convert -resize 415x -delay 80 *.png -layers Optimize animated.gif


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