Raster to vector conversion tips

I have recently been working with some low-resolution bitmap fonts for a few projects, which needed to be re-sized for different uses.

I’ll share here a few tricks that I use to get the detail out of each letter as a vector, so that it can be rendered at a higher resolution.


A good example might be this picture of a hieroglyph from the WikiHiero MediaWiki extension, which is 28 pixels wide:

Scaled up, it looks like this:

So small images become very pixellated when you resize them. The good news is that even from a small image, there is quite a lot of detail which we can use. If we’re smart about it, the glyph can be rendered like this:

You can still see some artifacts because of the low resolution of the input, but it’s clearly an improvement.

You will need

  • ImageMagick for raster operations.
  • potrace to trace the image.
  • Inkscape to produce a high-quality raster.



The tracing program will convert the image to pure black & white as its first step. These transformations make sure that the detail is preserved for tracing.

  • Padding by 10px on every side to reduce distortion around the edges.
  • Scaling by 10x with interpolation
  • Convert transparency to white
convert hiero_A1.png -bordercolor white -border 10x10 \
    -resize 1000% -flatten hiero_A1.pnm

The 29×38 grey+alpha input becomes a blurry 490 x 580 greymap surrounded by whitespace.

This preparation is important, because a large blurry graymap will retain a lot more detail than the original image when a threshold is applied to convert it pure black and white:


The potrace program will threshold and trace the input image. Here, we will produce an SVG so that we can make it transparent.

The k value affects the threshold operation. It can be increased for a bolder, darker glyph, or reduced for a finer one.

potrace hiero_A1.pnm -k 0.30 --svg

This gives you an SVG with padding:

If you only want a vector, then you can stop here. The next steps will reproduce a smaller PNG with transparency and the correct padding.

I couldn’t find a reliable way to programmatically crop the image back to its original padding as an SVG, but in my case I needed to convert it back to a bitmap anyway, so I cropped it later.


Use Inkscape to convert the SVG back to a large PNG. The output size here is twice as large as the file we traced, just to leave plenty of pixels to work with.

inkscape -z -e hiero_A1_big.png hiero_A1.svg -w 980

Like the SVG, there is still a lot of whitespace here. The image is now a PNG with a transparent background, and unlike the file we traced, the edges of the curves are now anti-aliased.


Everything is 20x its original size, to get the image, we need to drop 200px of padding from the left and top, then read 580×760 pixels (20 times the 29×38 start).

convert hiero_A1_big.png -crop 580x760+200+200 hiero_A1_cropped.png

This produces a 580×760 image in the same aspect ratio as the original input file.

Scale down

In my case, I only needed to double the resolution of the input file, so I scaled this file down from there.

hiero_A1_cropped.png -resize 58x76 hiero_A1_outp1.png


As a script

I got these steps from a script that I wrote for doubling the size of a PNG image so that it can be re-used on newer displays.


./tracepng.sh foo.png

Where tracepng.sh is:

# A script to upscale small bitmaps in PNG format.
# Pad, upscale, trace, render, crop then downscale.
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage $0 input.png"
set -exu
# Names of all the files we will produce

# Width originally
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4670013/fast-way-to-get-image-dimensions-not-filesize
IMG_WIDTH=$(identify -format "%w" "$INP_FILE")
IMG_HEIGHT=$(identify -format "%h" "$INP_FILE")

# Make huge raster w/ border (whitespace is your friend for black/white interpolation and tracing), then convert to SVG
convert ${INP_FILE} -bordercolor white -border 10x10 -resize 1000% -flatten ${PNM_FILE}

# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potrace
potrace ${PNM_FILE} -k 0.30 --svg > ${SVG_FILE}

# Target width for intermediate file
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9853325/how-to-convert-a-svg-to-a-png-with-image-magick
inkscape -z -e ${LARGE_FILE} ${SVG_FILE} -w ${EXPANDED_WIDTH}

# Cut new edges off
# http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/crop/


The images here are from WikiHiero, and can be remixed under the GNU General Public License 2.0.

How to generate star fields

I recently needed a texture for the skybox in a 3D space game.

I used this ImageMagick one-liner to generate a dotted canvas with some grey and white pixels. It displays well if the texture will be stretched.

convert -size 1600x900 xc: +noise Random -channel R -threshold 0.5% \
        -negate -channel RG -separate +channel \
        -compose multiply -composite stars.png

Alternative style

With a simple modification, the bright stars are made bigger, and the dull ones are made smaller, with only black and white used. This works well if the texture will be shrunk for display.

convert -size 800x450 xc: +noise Random -channel R -threshold 0.5% \
        -negate -channel RG -separate +channel \
        -compose multiply -composite -resize 200% \
        -threshold 10% stars-rounded.png

Full process

Although these are great one-liners, the actual process is a bit hard to follow without some smaller steps.

Here, we will generate a 150×90 star field in several steps. I’ve scaled each of these pictures to 200% of their original size and converted them to PNG for display on the web. I’ve used BMP in the commands only because it saves some plumbing around colour spaces.

Start with a blank canvas:

convert -size 150x90 xc: stars-01.bmp

Add random RGB noise:

convert stars-01.bmp +noise Random stars-02.bmp

In the red channel of the image, apply a black/white threshold: If the red channel is greter than 0.5%, it is set to the maximum, otherwise it is set to the minimum.

Mostly the red channel is now 100%, with random dots of 0%. The blue and green channels are still completely random:

convert stars-02.bmp -channel R -threshold 0.5% stars-03.bmp

Negate the image, so that the red channel is mostly 0%, with dots of 100%:

convert stars-03.bmp -negate stars-04.bmp

Extract the red channel and green channel.

convert stars-04.bmp -channel RG -separate +channel stars-05.bmp

The red channel will be dots of white:

The green channel will be random:

Multiply the channels together, so that the white dots become grey dots, each with a random brightness:

convert stars-05-0.bmp stars-05-1.bmp -compose multiply -composite stars-06.bmp

For the alternative style, scale the image up, then apply a new threshold. Brighter dots will appear as larger patches of white, while dull stars will be smaller or invisible:

convert stars-06.bmp -resize 200% -threshold 10% stars-06-rounded.bmp

How to create an animated GIF from a series of images

Sometimes, you end up with a folder full of images, which you want to animate. With the open source ImageMagick tool, this is easy on the command line:

animate *.png

This will show you all of the PNG files in the folder in quick succession, like a flip book.

ImageMagick works on just about any OS. For Linux users, the package is generally imagemagick or ImageMagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
yum install ImageMagick

But this blog post is about animated GIFs, so lets make one of those. This is a compact way to combine images (here and here for examples in context), gives you a re-usable at-a-glance illustration of something that changes over time.

Example from an older post:


The steps to make a good conversion command are:

  1. Check that alphabetically, your images are in order. If not, rename them:
    echo *
  2. Convert them to a GIF a few times, and find the delay that suits you (hundredths of a second between frames)
    convert -delay 80 *.png animated.gif
  3. Choose an output size (width x height):
    convert -resize 415x -delay 80 *.png animated.gif
  4. Compress with -Layers Optimize for a smaller file:
    convert -resize 415x -delay 80 *.png -layers Optimize animated.gif


  • Generated thumbnails usually take the first frame only, which is why we ask Imagemagick to resize it (WordPress users: Choose “Full Size”).
  • To pause at the start of the loop for a moment, just copy the first image a few times.