How to merge edges in GraphViz

If you are sketching out a node in graphviz which has many ancestors, a dense collection of arrow-heads can become unsightly:

Example 1 - Edges not merged

The code for the above graph is:

digraph G {
    {a, b, c} -> d;
    d -> e;

To merge the edges together, we can instead point these three nodes to an intermediate node, using edges without arrow. This example is adapted from the GraphViz FAQ (link).

This gives us:

Example 2 - edges merged

digraph G {
    d1 [shape=point,width=0.01,height=0.01];
    {a, b, c} -> d1 [dir=none];
    d1 -> d;
    d -> e;

To compile these examples, you can use an online tool such as Webgraphviz. If you have GraphViz installed, then run dot over them:

dot -Tpdf > example.pdf

2 Replies to “How to merge edges in GraphViz”

  1. Hi, how would you go about inverting the direction of the graph, so that node e stays on top, while nodes a, b and c at bottom?

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