Let’s implement power-on self test (POST)

I recently implemented simple Power-on self test (POST) routine for my 65C816 test board, so that it can stop and indicate a hardware failure before attempting to run any normal code.

This was an interesting adventure for two main reasons:

  • This code needs to work with no RAM present in the computer.
  • I wanted to try re-purposing the emulation status (E) output on the 65C816 CPU to blink an LED.


Even modern computers will stop and provide a blinking light or series of beeps if you don’t install RAM or a video card. This is implemented in the BIOS or UEFI.

I got the idea to use the E or MX CPU outputs for this purpose from this thread on the 6502.org forums. This method would allow me to blink a light with just a CPU, clock input, and ROM working.

My main goal is to perform a quick test that each device is present, so that start-up fails in a predictable way if I’ve connected something incorrectly. This is much simpler than the POST routine from a real BIOS, because I’m not doing device detection, and I’m not testing every byte of memory.

Boot-up process

On my test board, I’ve connected an LED directly to the emulation status (E) output on the 65C816 CPU. The CPU starts in emulation mode (E is high). However I have noticed that on power-up, the value of E appears to be random until /RES goes high. If I were wiring this up again, I would also prevent the LED from lighting up while the CPU is in reset:

The first thing the CPU does is read an address from ROM, called the reset vector, which tells it where start executing code.

In my case, the first two instructions set the CPU to native mode, which are clc (clear carry) and xce (exchange carry with emulation).

.segment "CODE"
    clc                            ; switch to native mode
    jmp post_check_loram

By default accumulator and index registers are 8-bit, the .a8 and .i8 directives simply tell the assembler ca65 that this is the case.

Next, the code will jmp to the start of the POST process.

Checking low RAM

The first part of the POST procedure checks if the lower part of RAM is available, by writing values to two address and checking that the same values can be read back.

Note that a:$00 causes the assembler to interpret $00 as an absolute address. This will otherwise be interpreted as direct-page address, which is not what’s intended here.

    ldx #%01010101                 ; Power-on self test (POST) - do we have low RAM?
    ldy #%10101010
    stx a:$00                      ; store known values at two addresses
    sty a:$01
    ldx a:$00                      ; read back the values - unlikely to be correct if RAM not present
    ldy a:$01
    cpx #%01010101
    bne post_fail_loram
    cpy #%10101010
    bne post_fail_loram
    jmp post_check_hiram

If this fails, then the boot process stops, and the emulation LED blinks in a distinctive pattern (two blinks) forever.

post_fail_loram:                   ; blink emulation mode output with two pulses
    pause 8
    jmp post_fail_loram            ; repeat indefinitely

Macros: pause and blink

It’s a mini-challenge to write code to blink an LED in a distinctive pattern without assuming that RAM works. This means no stack operations (eg. jsr and rts instructions), and that I need to store anything I need in 3 bytes: the A, X, Y registers. A triple-nested loop is the best I can come up with.

I wrote a pause macro, which runs a time-wasting loop for the requested duration – approximately a multiple of 100ms at this clock speed. Every time this macro is used, the len value is substituted in, and this code is included in the source file. This example also uses unnamed labels, which is a ca65 feature for writing messy code.

.macro pause len                   ; time-wasting loop as macro
    lda #len
    ldx #64
    ldy #255
    cpy #0
    bne :-
    cpx #0
    bne :--
    cmp #0
    bne :---

The second macro I wrote is blink, which briefly lights up the LED attached to the E output by toggling emulation mode. I’m using the pause macro from both native mode and emulation mode in this snippet, so I can only treat A, X and Y as 8-bit registers.

.macro blink
    sec                            ; switch to emulation mode
    pause 1
    clc                            ; switch to native mode
    pause 2
    sec                            ; switch to emulation mode

Checking high RAM

There is also a second RAM chip, and this process is repeated with some differences. For one, I can now use the stack, which is how I set the data bank byte in this snippet.

Here a:$01 is important, because with direct page addressing, $01 means $000001 at this point in the code, where I want to test that I can write to the memory address $080001.

    ldx #%10101010                 ; Power-on self test (POST) - do we have high RAM?
    ldy #%01010101
    lda #$08                       ; data bank to high ram
    stx a:$00                      ; store known values at two addresses
    sty a:$01
    ldx a:$00                      ; read back the values - unlikely to be correct if RAM not present
    ldy a:$01
    cpx #%10101010
    bne post_fail_hiram
    cpy #%01010101
    bne post_fail_hiram
    lda #$00                       ; reset data bank to boot-up value
    jmp post_check_via

The failure here is similar, but the LED will blink 3 times instead of 2.

post_fail_hiram:                   ; blink emulation mode output with three pulses. we could use RAM here?
    pause 8
    jmp post_fail_hiram            ; repeat indefinitely

To make sure that I was writing to different chips, I installed the RAM chips one at a time, first observing the expected failures, and then observing that the code continued past this point with the chip installed.

I also checked with an oscilloscope that both RAM chips are now being accessed during start-up. Now that I’ve got some confidence that the computer now requires both chips to start, I can skip a few debugging steps if I’ve got code that isn’t working later.

Checking the Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)

The third chip I wanted to add to the POST process is the 65C22 VIA. I kept this check simple, because one read to check for a start-up default is sufficient to test for device presence.

VIA_IER = $c00e
post_check_via:                    ; Power-on self test (POST) - do we have a 65C22 Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)?
    lda a:VIA_IER
    cmp #%10000000                 ; start-up state, interrupts enabled overall (IFR7) but all interrupt sources (IFR0-6) disabled.
    bne post_fail_via
    jmp post_ok

This stops and blinks 4 times if it fails. I recorded the GIF at the top of this blog post by removing the component which generates a chip-select for the VIA, which causes this code to trigger on boot.

    pause 8
    jmp post_fail_via

Beep for good measure

At the end of the POST process, I put in some code to generate a short beep.

This uses the fact that the 65C22 can toggle the PB7 output each time a certain number of clock-cycles pass. I’ve connected a piezo buzzer to that output, which I’m using as a PC speaker. The 65C22 is serving the role of a programmable interrupt timer from the PC world.

VIA_DDRB = $c002
VIA_T1C_L = $c004
VIA_T1C_H = $c005
VIA_ACR = $c00b
BEEP_FREQ_DIVIDER = 461            ; 1KHz, formula is CPU clock / (desired frequency * 2), or 921600 / (1000 * 2) ~= 461
post_ok:                           ; all good, emit celebratory beep, approx 1KHz for 1/10th second
    ; Start beep
    lda #%10000000                 ; VIA PIN PB7 only
    sta VIA_DDRB
    lda #%11000000                 ; set ACR. first two bits = 11 is continuous square wave output on PB7
    sta VIA_ACR
    lda #<BEEP_FREQ_DIVIDER        ; set T1 low-order counter
    sta VIA_T1C_L
    lda #>BEEP_FREQ_DIVIDER        ; set T1 high-order counter
    sta VIA_T1C_H
    ; wait approx 0.1 seconds
    pause 1
    ; Stop beep
    lda #%11000000                 ; set ACR. returns to a one-shot mode
    sta VIA_ACR
    stz VIA_T1C_L                  ; zero the counters
    stz VIA_T1C_H
    ; POST is now done
    jmp post_done

The post_done label points to the start of the old ROM code, which is currently just a “hello world” program.

Next steps

I’m now able to lock in some of my assumptions about should be available in software, so that I can write more complex programs without second-guessing the hardware.

Once the boot ROM is interacting with more hardware, I may add additional checks. I will probably need to split this into different sections, and make use of jsr/rts once RAM has been tested, because the macros are currently generating a huge amount of machine code. I have 8KiB of ROM in the memory map for this computer, and the code on this page takes up around 1.1KiB.

3 Replies to “Let’s implement power-on self test (POST)”

  1. From your code, you have the following:

    lda #len
    ldx #64
    ldy #255
    cpy #0
    bne :-
    cpx #0
    bne :--
    cmp #0
    bne :---

    The compare to zero instructions are unnecessary, as decrementing a register to zero will set the Z flag in the status register.

  2. Thanks for the tip, George.

    Since this snippet is duplicated many times in the ROM (it’s a macro), I could have saved quite a lot of space if I noticed that!

  3. Unlike some other MPUs, anything that changes a 65(C)02 or 65C816 register will condition the status register (SR).  Additionally, read-modify-write instructions, such as ROR or INC, that affect memory will update SR.  That this is the case means your code can be more succinct, especially inside of loops.

    If you don’t have a copy of “Programming the 65816, Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802” by Eyes & Lichty, I highly recommend that you obtain one.  The book covers everything you might want to know, especially on the advanced features of the 65C816.

    BTW, the reCaptcha is really annoying.  I had to acknowledge 14 separate sequences before I could post.

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