How to make HHVM 3.21 identify itself as PHP 7

HHVM is an alternative runtime for PHP, which I try to maintain compatibility with.

I recently upgraded a project to PHPUnit 6, and the tests started failing on hhvm-3.21 with this error:

This version of PHPUnit is supported on PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1.
You are using PHP 5.6.99-hhvm (/usr/bin/hhvm).

Although HHVM supports many PHP 7 features, it is identifying itself as PHP 5.6. The official documentation includes a setting for enabling additional PHP 7 features, which also sets the reported version.

This project was building on Travis CI, so adding this one-liner to .travis.yml sets this flag in the configuration, and the issue goes away:

  - bash -c 'if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == hhvm* ]]; then echo "hhvm.php7.all = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi'

I’m writing about this for other developers who hit the same issue. The current releases of HHVM don’t seem to have this issue, so hopefully this work-around is temporary.

How to set up Docker containers in Travis CI

This post outlines a method for using Docker for testing on Travis CI. It may be useful to you if you are a web application developer who uses GitHub.

I use this setup in my web-based word puzzle generator, so that every change is spun up and tested with a web browser before it is merged.

I got the idea for writing this from a few lines in the docker-compose documentation, which suggested that Docker is an easy way to perform automated testing over a running application:

$ docker-compose up -d
$ ./run_tests
$ docker-compose down

This snippet was missing some setup and an example app, but these three lines do all the heavy lifting.

The Docker setup

In order to focus on the Docker setup, I made a server which simply responds to TCP requests on port 5000 with the text “Hello World”.

This file is called, and sits in a directory called foo_server:

while true; do
  # Send 'Hello World' to anybody who connects on port 5000
  echo "Hello World" | nc -l 5000

Alongside it, I added a Dockerfile to instruct docker to execute this tiny ‘application’ in a container, after installing the dependencies. This machine is built from the Docker-official Debian image:

FROM debian
ADD . /usr/share/test-server
WORKDIR /usr/share/test-server
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --assume-yes netcat-openbsd
CMD ./

Lastly, a .dockerignore file is used to avoid loading the Dockerfile to the container:

# Ignore docker files

In the directory above, a simple test script, is used to see that the server is returning the expected output:

set -e
expected="Hello World"
actual=`nc -v localhost 5000`
echo "Expecting: $expected"
echo "Server says: $actual"
if [ "$expected" != "$actual" ]; then
  echo "Test failed"
  exit 1
  echo "Test passed"
  exit 0

Alongside the test file, a file called docker-compose.yml instructs Docker to create a container out of the foo_server example, and forward port to it.

version: '2'
    build: foo_server
     - "5000:5000"
    container_name: foo_1

To try it out for yourself, you need a relatively recent version of Docker and docker-compose. The versions provided in Debian were not new enough to execute the examples, but the Docker project provides repos containing newer builds for Debian & Ubuntu. For my distro, the install was:

curl -sSL "" | sudo -E apt-key add -
echo "deb debian-stretch main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-engine
sudo pip install docker-compose

The versions this got me were docker 1.11.2, and docker-compose 1.7.1. Straight after the install, I could deploy & test an example locally:

$ docker-compose up --build -d
$ ./
$ docker-compose down

The CI setup

I’ll assume that if you’re reading this, you are familiar with the basics of Travis CI. The large block of code below is the .travis.yml file to set up the test machine, then execute the tests against a container.

# Use Ubuntu 'trusty' distribution
sudo: required
dist: trusty

  # Update docker-engine using Ubuntu 'trusty' apt repo
  - >
    curl -sSL "" |
     sudo -E apt-key add -
  - >
    echo "deb ubuntu-trusty main" |
     sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
  - sudo apt-get update
  - >
    sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
     -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --assume-yes install docker-engine
  - docker version
  # Update docker-compose via pip
  - sudo pip install docker-compose
  - docker-compose version

  - docker-compose up --build -d

  - ./

  - docker-compose down

Note: This uses Travis CI’s trusty distribution, which at the time of writing is the newest stable build platform available on Travis CI. This shipped an outdated version of Docker, which had to be installed over. Because the existing Docker was configured, I had to override a debconf prompt, which is why the apt addon syntax was not used to set up dependencies.


The build result for each commit is displayed in Travis CI:


Under this, the output of the passing test script is shown, showing what has been set up:


Using this setup in practice

Moving this from a demo setup to a real setup would be fairly simple:

  1. Replace the installation with a real software stack
  2. Replace the server run with a command to serve the application (such as a Apache HTTP, Tomcat or Node)
  3. Replace the tests with real tests (such as Cucumber or Selenium).

The example in the pre-amble installs a LAMP stack and tests it with Selenium in its CI build.

If your application is a bit larger, your only extra complexity will come from running multiple containers with docker-compose.

Get the code

All of these scripts in a working CI example are available on GitHub:

How to compile a C++11 app on Travis CI

I have recently been adding Travis CI builds to code that I host on GitHub, so that I don’t need to host my own build infrastructure.

To users, this just means that there is a green badge at the top of the README, but not much else:


To build a simple C++ project, I added in this .travis.yml file:

langauge: cpp
sudo: false

      - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make

Unfortunately, on this infrastructure, the default build tools are currently ancient, and installed on Ubuntu Precise (12.04):

$ make
g++ src/missile.cpp examples/basic-sync/basic-sync.cpp -o bin/basic-sync -lpthread -lusb-1.0 -std=c++11 -Wall
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’

Option 1: Update the toolchain

There is some structures you can use to install an extra repository and some named packages, instead of using apt-get directly.

langauge: cpp
sudo: false

    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
    - gcc-4.8
    - g++-4.8
    - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make

Because the old version was still installed, I had to refer to the exact version in the Makefile, as in:

g++-4.8 src/missile.cpp examples/basic-sync/basic-sync.cpp -o bin/basic-sync -lpthread -lusb-1.0 -std=c++11 -Wall

Option 2: Update the platform

You can also change to a more recent Ubuntu distribution. Presumably Ubuntu Precise is only the default because existing builds use it.

If you need to build C++11 apps on Travis CI, then builds will work under Ubuntu Trusty (14.04), which happens to be the newest distribution currently available:

langauge: cpp
sudo: required
dist: trusty

      - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make