Controlling computer fans with a microcontroller

I’m currently working on building a small computer, and want to add some 4-pin computer fans, running quietly at a fixed speed.

This blog post is just a quick set of notes from prototyping, since it covers a few topics which I haven’t written about before.

The problem

The speed of 4-pin computer fans can be controlled by varying the duty cycle on a 25 KHz PWM signal. This signal normally comes from a 4-pin case fan header on the motherboard, which will not be available in this situation. Rather than run the fans at 100%, I’m going to try to generate my own PWM signal.

Two main considerations led me to choose to use a microcontroller for this:

  • I’ll need some way to adjust the PWM duty cycle after building the circuit, because I don’t know which value will give the best trade-off between airflow and noise yet.
  • Fans need a higher PWM duty cycle to start than they do to run. If I want to run the fans at a very low speed, then I’ll need them to ramp up on start-up, before slowing to the configured value.

It’s worth noting that I’m a complete beginner with microcontrollers. I’ve run some example programs on the Raspberry Pi Pico, but that’s it.

First attempt

I already had MicroPython running on my Raspberry Pi Pico, so that was my starting point.

For development environment, I installed the MicroPython plugin for PyCharm, since I use JetBrains IDE’s already for programming. Most guides for beginners suggest using Thonny.

There are introductory examples on GitHub at raspberrypi/pico-micropython-examples which showed me everything I needed to know. I was able to combine an ADC example and a PWM example within a few minutes.

import time
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC, Timer

level_input = ADC(0)
pwm_output = PWM(Pin(27))
timer = Timer()

# 25 KHz

def update_pwm(timer):
    """ Update PWM duty cycle based on ADC input """
    duty = level_input.read_u16()

# Start with 50% duty cycle for 2 seconds (to start fan)

# Update from ADC input after that
timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=100, callback=update_pwm)

On my oscilloscope, I could confirm that the PWM signal had a 25 KHz frequency, and that the code was adjusting the duty cycle as expected. When the analog input (above) is set to a high value, the PWM signal has a high duty cycle.

When set to a low value, the PWM signal has a low duty cycle.

But can it control fans?

I wired up a PC fan to 12 V power, and also sent it this PWM signal, but the speed didn’t change. This was expected, since I knew that I would most likely need to convert the 3.3 V signal up to 5 V.

I ran it through a 74LS04 hex inverter with VCC at 5 V, which did the trick. I could then adjust a potentiometer, and the fan would speed up or slow down.

I captured the breadboard setup in Fritzing. Just note that there are floating inputs on the 74LS04 chip (not generally a good idea) and that the part is incorrectly labelled 74HC04, when the actual part I used was a 74LS04.

This shows a working setup, but it’s got more components than I would like. I decided to implement it a second time, on a simpler micro-controller which can work at 5 V directly.

Porting to the ATtiny85

For a second attempt, I tried using an ATtiny85. This uses the AVR architecture (of Arduino fame), which I’ve never looked at before.

This chip is small, widely available, and can run at 5 V. I can also program it using the TL-866II+ rather than investing into the ecosystem with Arduino development boards or programmers.

I found GPL-licensed code by Marcelo Aquino for controlling 4-wire fans.

After a few false starts trying to compile manually, I followed this guide to get the ATtiny85 ‘board’ definition loaded into the Arduino IDE.

From there I was able to build and get an intel hex file, using the “Export compiled binary” feature.

Writing fuses

The code assumes an 8 MHz clock. The Attiny85 ships from the factory with a “divide by 8” fuse active. This needs to be turned off, otherwise the clock will be 1 MHz. This involves setting some magic values, separate to the program code.

I found these values using a fuse calculator.

The factory default for this chip is:

lfuse 0x62, hfuse 0xdf, efuse 0xff.

To disable the divide-by-8 clock but leave all other values default, this needs to be:

lfuse 0xe2, hfuse 0xdf, efuse 0xff.

I am using the minipro open source tool to program the chip, via a TL-866II+ programmer. First, to get the fuses:

$ minipro -p ATTINY85@DIP8 -r fuses.txt -c config
Found TL866II+ 04.2.126 (0x27e)
Warning: Firmware is out of date.
  Expected  04.2.132 (0x284)
  Found     04.2.126 (0x27e)
Chip ID: 0x1E930B  OK
Reading config... 0.00Sec  OK

This returns the values expected in a text file.

lfuse = 0x62
hfuse = 0xdf
efuse = 0x00
lock = 0xff

I then set lfuse = 0xe2, and wrote the values back with this command.

$ minipro -p ATTINY85@DIP8 -w fuses.txt -c config
Found TL866II+ 04.2.126 (0x27e)
Warning: Firmware is out of date.
  Expected  04.2.132 (0x284)
  Found     04.2.126 (0x27e)
Chip ID: 0x1E930B  OK
Writing fuses... 0.01Sec  OK
Writing lock bits... 0.01Sec  OK

Writing code

Now the micro-controller is ready to accept the exported binary containing the program.

minipro -s -p ATTINY85@DIP8 -w sketch_pwm.ino.tiny8.hex -f ihex
Found TL866II+ 04.2.126 (0x27e)
Warning: Firmware is out of date.
  Expected  04.2.132 (0x284)
  Found     04.2.126 (0x27e)
Chip ID: 0x1E930B  OK
Found Intel hex file.
Erasing... 0.01Sec OK
Writing Code...  1.09Sec  OK
Reading Code...  0.45Sec  OK
Verification OK

With the chip fully programmed, I wired it up on a breadboard with 5 V power.

Checking the output again, the signal was the correct amplitude this time, but the frequency does move around a bit. This is likely because I’m using the internal RC timing on the chip, which is not very accurate. My understanding is that anything near 25 KHz will work fine.


I made only one change to Marcelo’s code, which is to spin the fan at 50% for a few seconds before using the potentiometer-set value. This is to avoid any issues where the fans fail to start because I’ve set them to run at a very low PWM value.

 *                         ATtiny85
 *                      -------u-------
 *  RST - A0 - (D 5) --| 1 PB5   VCC 8 |-- +5V
 *                     |               |
 *        A3 - (D 3) --| 2 PB3   PB2 7 |-- (D 2) - A1  --> 10K Potentiometer
 *                     |               | 
 *        A2 - (D 4) --| 3 PB4   PB1 6 |-- (D 1) - PWM --> Fan Blue wire
 *                     |               |      
 *              Gnd ---| 4 GND   PB0 5 |-- (D 0) - PWM --> Disabled
 *                     -----------------

// normal delay() won't work anymore because we are changing Timer1 behavior
// Adds delay_ms and delay_us functions
#include <util/delay.h>    // Adds delay_ms and delay_us functions

// Clock at 8mHz
#define F_CPU 8000000  // This is used by delay.h library

const int PWMPin = 1;  // Only works with Pin 1(PB1)
const int PotPin = A1;

void setup()
  pinMode(PWMPin, OUTPUT);
  // Phase Correct PWM Mode, no Prescaler
  // PWM on Pin 1(PB1), Pin 0(PB0) disabled
  // 8Mhz / 160 / 2 = 25Khz
  TCCR0A = _BV(COM0B1) | _BV(WGM00);
  TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS00); 
  // Set TOP and initialize duty cycle to 50%
  OCR0B = 80; // duty cycle for Pin 1(PB1)
  // initial bring-up: leave at 50% for 4 seconds

void loop()
  int in, out;
  // follow potentiometer-set speed from there
  in = analogRead(PotPin);
  out = map(in, 0, 1023, 0, 160);
  OCR0B = out;

The wiring of the breadboard is shown below. The capacitor is 0.1 µF for decoupling.

This is far more compact than the Raspberry Pi Pico prototype. I could also miniaturise it further by simply using surface-mount versions of the same components, where using an RP2040 microcontroller from the Pico directly on a custom board would incur some design effort.

Next steps & lessons learned

Although this project is simple, I had to learn quite a few things to prototype it successfully. Using a generic chip programmer like the TL-866II+ appears to be uncommon in the AVR world, and most online guides instead suggest repurposing an Arduino development board or using an Arduino ICSP programmer to program the Attiny85. I was glad to confirm that I could use my existing hardware instead of buying ecosystem-specific items which I would have no other use for. I find the development experience to be far better with the Raspberry Pi Pico, and that’s what I would be choosing for a more complex project.

I also captured the breadboard wiring in Fritzing for this blog post. The diagrams are clearer than a photo of a breadboard, but I’m not confident that they communicate information about the circuit as well as alternative approaches. For future posts, I’ll return to using KiCad EDA for schematic capture, unless there is some reason to highlight the physical layout of a breadboard prototype.

As a next step, I’ll be building a simple break-out PCB for a specific computer case to power the fans and supply a PWM signal, based on the ATtiny85 prototype shown here.

Building an emulator for my 65C816 computer

I’ve been working on adding text-based input and output to my 65C816 computer prototype, but it’s not yet working reliably.

To unblock software development, I decided to put together an emulator, so that I can test my code while the hardware is out of action.

Choosing a base project

There were three main options I considered for running 65C816 programs on a modern computer,

  1. Write a new emulator from scratch
  2. Extract the useful parts of an open source Super Nintendo or Apple IIgs emulator and adapt them
  3. Find a 65C816 CPU emulator, and extend it.

I found a good candidate for the third option in Lib65816 by Francesco Rigoni, which is a C++ library for emulating a 65C816 CPU. The code is GPLv3 licensed, and I could see where I would need to make changes to match the design of my computer.


After reading the code, I could see some places where I would need to modify the library, so I copied it in to a new folder, together with its logging dependency and sample program, and refactored it into one project.

I started by extending RAM up to 16 banks (1 megabyte), and mapping in a ROM device which serves bytes from a file. I also updated the handling of interrupt vectors, so that the CPU would retrieve them from the system bus.

Adding 65C22 support

My first test program was an example of preemptive multi-tasking from my previous blog post. At this point it ran, but did not switch between tasks, since that requires extra hardware support.

I implemented a minimal support for the 65C22 VIA used in my computer design, just enough to log changes to the outputs, and to fire interrupts from a timer.

The Lib65816 library does not support NMI interrupts, which are used in this test program. I added edge detection, and connected the interrupt output of the 65C22 to the CPU NMI input in code.

This screen capture shows the test program during switching between two tasks, with a different VIA port being accessed before and after the switch.

This gave me some confidence that the CPU emulation was good enough to develop on, so I moved on to the next test program.

Adding serial support

The second test program is also from an earlier blog post, and tests printing and reading characters from an NXP SC16C752 UART.

I added a very minimal emulation of the UART chip I’m using, suppressed all of the logging, and converted output to use the curses library. This last step enabled character-by-character I/O, instead of the default line-buffered I/O.

This screen capture shows the program running under emulation. It simply prints “Hello world”, then echoes back the next 3 characters that the user types.


I didn’t plan to write an emulator for my custom computer, but I am currently debugging some tricky hardware problems, and this detour will allow me to continue to make progress in other areas while I try to find a solution.

I plan to keep the emulator up to date with hardware changes, since it will make it possible to demonstrate the system without any hardware access. It’s also easier to debug issues now that I can choose two different execution environments.

The hardware design, software and emulator for this computer are online at mike42/65816-computer. I would like to again acknowledge Francesco Rigoni’s work on Lib65816. I’m very grateful that he chose to release this under the GPL, since it allows me to re-use the code for my project.

How to compile a C++11 app on Travis CI

I have recently been adding Travis CI builds to code that I host on GitHub, so that I don’t need to host my own build infrastructure.

To users, this just means that there is a green badge at the top of the README, but not much else:


To build a simple C++ project, I added in this .travis.yml file:

langauge: cpp
sudo: false

      - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make

Unfortunately, on this infrastructure, the default build tools are currently ancient, and installed on Ubuntu Precise (12.04):

$ make
g++ src/missile.cpp examples/basic-sync/basic-sync.cpp -o bin/basic-sync -lpthread -lusb-1.0 -std=c++11 -Wall
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’

Option 1: Update the toolchain

There is some structures you can use to install an extra repository and some named packages, instead of using apt-get directly.

langauge: cpp
sudo: false

    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
    - gcc-4.8
    - g++-4.8
    - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make

Because the old version was still installed, I had to refer to the exact version in the Makefile, as in:

g++-4.8 src/missile.cpp examples/basic-sync/basic-sync.cpp -o bin/basic-sync -lpthread -lusb-1.0 -std=c++11 -Wall

Option 2: Update the platform

You can also change to a more recent Ubuntu distribution. Presumably Ubuntu Precise is only the default because existing builds use it.

If you need to build C++11 apps on Travis CI, then builds will work under Ubuntu Trusty (14.04), which happens to be the newest distribution currently available:

langauge: cpp
sudo: required
dist: trusty

      - libusb-1.0-0-dev

  - make

How to run Tetris on your Raspberry Pi

This is a simple walkthrough on how to install my Tetris clone, Blocks, on a Raspberry Pi.

On most computers running Debian (or Raspbian in the case of the Raspberry Pi), it’s as simple as clone, compile, run:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev doxygen
git clone
cd blocks

If you have any issues running this, then you need to fetch a newer version of GCC, as this needs C++11 support to compule (see last section for instructuins).

But if all goes to plan, you will get something like this in your terminal:


Use the keyboard to control the game:

Right, down, left

Get a screen

Basically any project with graphics can benefit from one of these. Simply add on a TFT shield, such as PiTFT to create a tiny console:


Of course, this is still keyboard-controlled, but with some hacking, I’m sure you could map touch events to keyboard actions.

Troubleshooting: Update GCC

The Raspbian spftware image which many Raspberry Pi’s have is slightly too old to compile Blocks, which requires C++11 support.

Luckily, it’s very easy to upgrade from wheezy to jessie to add it. You know you need to do this if you get this error compiling:

$ git clone
$ make
mkdir -p bin
g++ src/main.cpp src/blocks_game.cpp src/blocks_shape.cpp -o bin/blocks -lcurses -lrt -std=c++11 -Wall
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’
cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++11’
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'default' failed
make: *** [default] Error 1

Generally this means you don’t have GCC 4.8, which is not available in wheezy edition of Raspian.

$ g++ --version
g++ (Debian 4.6.3-14+rpi1) 4.6.3
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

So to summarise this thread, you need to:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Find this line:

deb wheezy main contrib non-free rpi

And change the word “wheezy” to “jessie”:

deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi

You can then update everything with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

You are now running the newer jessie release, which gives you access to the GCC 4.8 package we need:

apt-get install g++-4.8

So we can pick up where we left off, and compile the game:


A Yes/No filtering tool for images

While collecting very large numbers of screen captures for writing documentation, I noticed that it takes far too long to filter out the junk.

To fix this, I coded up yn (source code via github). Given a list of images, it will display each one to the user, which they then include by pressing Y (yes) or exclude by pressing N (no) (hence the name yn).

The images which are selected are saved as a list, so that a script can continue by processing them in some way. This could be by copying them elsewhere, or generating a document with spaces to caption them. The example in the does both of these.

The code to this early version is very simple, which makes it a good example of a simple OpenCV C++ app. I’ve stepped through it below.

The code

C++ does console input and output via the iostream library:

#include <iostream>

To use OpenCV with a GUI, you need these headers. You then need to add them to your include path, and link to OpenCV for the program to compile:

#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

This line simly tells the compiler that when we say cout (console out), we mean std::cout.

using namespace std;

The only OpenCV code is in the below function. The steps are:

  1. load an image from a file via imread(),
  2. display it in a window with imshow(),
  3. capture the next keypress with waitKey(), then
  4. delete the window with destroyWindow()
 * Load a file, and wait for the user to press a key.
 * If the pressed key is 'y', print the filename.
bool yn(string fn) {
    cv::Mat img;
    char key = 0;

    img = cv::imread(fn);
    if(! {
        cerr << "Failed to load " << fn << endl;
    } else {
        cv::imshow(fn, img);
        key = cv::waitKey(0);
        if(key == 'y') {
            cout << fn << endl; // 'y' pressed
        } else if(key == 0x1B) {
            return false; // ESC pressed
    return true;

So with that library usage out of the way, all we need to do is get the list of files to check, and stop popping up windows when the user has pressed the escape key.

 * Get list of files from command-line arguments and display them in turn
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int i;

    /* Command-line arguments given */
    for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if(yn(string(argv[i])) == false) {
            cerr << "Quitting.\n";

    return 0;


The delay between images appearing can be removed by loading them in a separate thread, which I may do in a future version.

Recovering auto-saved files in MySQL Workbench

MySQL workbench is an open source tool for designing databases. As version 6.0.8, it is one of those programs where you need to save often, because the window you are working in will vanish every couple of hours.

Bug #1: Can’t recover files that weren’t saved

I was unlucky enough to have forgotten to save my work when it crashed today, and found this nasty flaw in the auto-recover feature:

Auto-save model interval: An open model that has not been saved will automatically be saved after this period. On loading a model file, MySQL Workbench will notify the user if the file was not previously saved correctly, due to a crash or power failure. MySQL Workbench can then attempt to recover the last auto-saved version. For automatic recovery to be available for a new file, it will have to have been saved at least once by the user.

Uh oh! The file hadn’t been saved yet, so it’s gone right? According to wb_model_file.cpp, this is not the case. The auto-save file is always written, but the recovery process wont be started until you try to use it again (which will never happen if you don’t have an old saved version):

/* Auto-saving
 * Auto-saving works by saving the model document file (the XML) to the expanded document folder
 * from time to time, named as document-autosave.mwb.xml. The expanded document folder is
 * automatically deleted when it is closed normally.
 * When a document is opened, it will check if there already is a document folder for that file
 * and if so, the recovery function will kick in, using the autosave XML file.

So under ~/.mysql/workbench/, I found a newmodel.mwbd folder. Workbench files are .zip files in disguise, so I compared it to a test file. It had all the same content, but with a document-autosave.xml, rather than a document.xml (see test file below):

Test archive

Cool, so I’d just rename the file, compress the whole lot and make it a .mwb? No such luck.

Bug #2: File Roller can’t compress ‘@’ files

Possibly because of the -@ command-line option in the zip command, File Roller refused to work with these files.

File Roller bug

Luckily, the document.mwb.xml file alone is enough for the file to be recognised and recovered from the auto-saved files:

File is recovered

The take-away from this? Save your work. In 2014, you still can’t count on auto-save to do this!

USB Missile Launcher

Back in February I coded up a userspace driver to control a USB missile launcher manufactured by DreamCheeky. The video below shows one of the example programs in action.


The code being executed in the video is from basic-sync.cpp, the simplest demonstration I could think of:

Missile *launcher = new Missile(launcherHandle);

launcher -> async = false;
launcher -> move(ML_DOWN, 1000);
launcher -> move(ML_UP, 1000);
launcher -> move(ML_LEFT, 1000);
launcher -> move(ML_RIGHT, 1000);
launcher -> fire();

delete launcher;

The USB driver uses libusb, and was coded in response to this trivial bug not being fixed in the Ubuntu repositories for over a year.

qtHiero: Open-source Egyptian hieroglyph editor

I’m just starting out with Qt4 and C++ and came up with this semi-useful little tool for marking up Egyptian hieroglyphs in MdC.

So far the only annoying Qt-quirk I’ve found is the lack of support for non-BMP unicode characters in the QChar type. Turns out you need to use a QString with two QChars, which is exactly the situation which QChar is supposed to solve (by being larger than 8 bits so that there is a 1-1 correspondence between written characters and QChars in a string).

The unfortunate hack I had to put in for fetching a hieroglyph from a codepoint looked like this:

 * Return a QString from a unicode code-point
QString MainWindow :: unicode2qstr(uint32_t character) {
	if(0x10000 > character) {
		/* BMP character. */
		return QString(QChar(character));
	} else if (0x10000 <= character) {
		/* Non-BMP character, return surrogate pair */
		unsigned int code;
		QChar glyph[2];
		code = (character - 0x10000);
		glyph[0] = QChar(0xD800 | (code >> 10));
		glyph[1] = QChar(0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF));
		return QString(glyph, 2);
	/* character > 0x10FFF */
	return QString("");

The Qt developer tools get a 10/10 from me though. I say this mainly because glade runs like a slug at the best of times.

Making an XKCD-style password generator in C++

I’m learning C++ at the moment, and I don’t find long tutorials or studying the standard template library particularly fun.

Making this type of password-generator is not new, but it is a nice practical exercise to start out in any language.

1. Get a list of common English words

Googling “common English words” yielded this list, purporting to contain 5,000 words. Unfortunately it contains almost 1,000 duplicates and numerous non-words! Wiktionary has a much higher-quality list of words compiled from Project Gutenberg, but the markup looks a bit like this:

==== 1 - 1000 ====
===== 1 - 100 =====
[[the]] = 56271872
[[of]] = 33950064
[[and]] = 29944184
[[to]] = 25956096
[[in]] = 17420636
[[I]] = 11764797  

Noting the wikilinks surrounding each word, I put together this PHP script to extract the link destinations and called it get-wikilinks.php:

/* Return list of wikilinked words from input text */
$text = explode("[[", file_get_contents("php://stdin"));
foreach($text as $link) {
	$rbrace = strpos($link, "]]");
	if(!$rbrace === false) {
		/* Also escape on [[foo|bar]] links */
		$pipe = strpos($link, "|");
		if(!$pipe === false && $pipe < $rbrace) {
			$rbrace = $pipe;
		$word = trim(substr($link, 0, $rbrace))."n";
		if(strpos($word, "'") === false && !is_numeric(substr($word, 0, 1))) {
			/* Leave out words with apostrophes or starting with numbers */
			echo $word;

The output of this script is much more workable:

$ chmod +x get-wikilinks.php
$ cat wikt.txt | ./get-wikilinks.php

Using sort and uniq makes a top-notch list of common words, ready for an app to digest:

$ cat wikt.txt | ./get-wikilinks.php | sort | uniq > wordlist.txt

2. Write some C++

There are two problems being solved here:

  • Reading a file into memory
    • An ifstream is used to access the file, and getline() will return false when EOF has been reached
    • Each line is loaded into a vector (roughly the same type of container as an ArrayList in Java), which is resized dynamically and accessed like an array.
  • Choosing random numbers
    • These are seeded from a random_device, being more cross-platform than reading from a file like /dev/urandom.
    • Note that random is new to C++11.
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char* fname = "wordlist.txt";

    /* Parse command-line arguments */
    int max = 1;
    if(argc == 2) {
        max = atoi(argv[1]);

    /* Open word list file */
    ifstream input;;
    if( {
        cerr << "ERROR: Failed to open " << fname << endl;

    /* Read to end and load words */
    vector<string> wordList;
    string line;
    while(getline(input, line)) {

    /* Seed from random device */
    random_device rd;
    default_random_engine gen;
    uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, wordList.size() - 1);

    /* Output as many passwords as required */
    const int pwLen = 4;
    int wordId, i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < pwLen; j++) {
            cout << wordList[dist(gen)] << ((j != pwLen - 1) ? " " : "");
        cout << endl;

    return 0;

3. Compile

Lots of projects in compiled languages have a Makefile, so that you can compile them without having to type all the compiler options manually.

Makefiles are a bit heavy to learn properly, but for a project this tiny, something simple is fine:

	g++ pw.cpp -o pw -std=c++11

	rm -f pw

Now we can compile and run the generator:


The output looks like this for ./pw 30 ("generate 30 passwords"):